
検索キーワード「minecraft stone texture」に一致する投稿を表示しています

[最も好ましい] smooth stone texture minecraft 270154-How to smooth stone minecraft

 · What is Smooth Stone in Minecraft? · Smooth Deepslate Smooth Deepslate would be created by smelting normal deepslate in a furnace, like smooth stone It's texture could be the old deepslate top texture from 21w08a/08b but it would have a little border to look similar to smooth stone · However, the first style in my opinion looks good on other blocks like stone slabs and smooth sandstone, so I'll probably use it for those you could always use it as an alternate texture But remember, if it is TRULY the one you like the most, use it anyways Developers Feature Smooth Stone And Smooth Quartz How to smooth stone minecraft